December 16, 2011

Tanay's Birthday

2 Dec 2011. Tanay has completed his 2 years of life. We planned to have birthday party for him and to invite 3-4 neighborhood kids. But with passage of time, Tanishk's behaviors were worsened and we were not sure how will he behave when children will come in the party. I knew that Tanay will enjoy the party, but still he doesn't have idea about the birthday. So, we decided not to have any party.

I decided to bake the cake myself. So, I thought about it thoroughly. I wanted to make something new which no one has eaten earlier. First I thought, I should make the chocolate cake, but I made chocolate cake on Tanishk's birthday and I wanted this time very much different.

Finally, I baked a pineapple cake. I didn't know it, that it will be so yummy. Yes, indeed pineapple cake is very delicious to eat. But why did I chose the pineapple cake? There is a reason behind it. That is the different story in my next post Major Behavioral Changes. Just now, I know that Pineapple has proteolytic enzyme, bromelain, which breaks down protein.

So, I baked two round pineapple cakes, and then I applied frozen gluten free frosting on one cake. That was leftover, so was enough to cover only one cake. I put other cake on the cake with frosting. I made new frosting - Coconut Cream Frosting sweetened with Agave. Then I applied it on the cake and above of that I decorated the cake with slivered almonds. Then, pineapple cake with coconut cream frosting was ready to cut.

Pineapple cake with coconut cream frosting and decorated by slivered almonds
Tanay has blown the candle & is ready to cut the cake
Half of the cake is already finished
Both kids were happy to see the cake and wanted to touch it. Tanishk was saying again & again "I want to blow the candle & cut the cake". We told him that Tanay will cut the cake as it's his birthday. Tanay was also happy to see the cake but it was new for him. He tried to blow the candle and he cut the cake with help of his father.

Tanishk was so excited that he wasn't sitting still. He ate the cake & liked the cake. He was asking for more cake. Overall his behavior was good. He also wished "Happy Birthday" to Tanay. He was repeating sentence after 2-3 days - "It's Tanay's birthday". Tanay also liked the cake. I was happy to see my kids happy. :)

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